The Artists’ Grief Deck is a living archive and toolkit. We encourage artists and grief workers of all traditions, disciplines, and backgrounds to contribute new images and grief prompts to support people in processing loss on an ongoing basis.
Send us your original artwork and/or a short text-based ‘grief prompt’ for inclusion in this growing collection.
The subject of your artwork does not need to be explicitly themed on grief and loss, but artwork that invites reflection, meditation, mindfulness, close inspection, or time-taking. Grief prompts should explicitly reference grief; though they may reference not just the grieving of individual people, but ecological grief, grief related to ongoing state-sanctioned violence, or grief over the loss of a job, partner, etc.
Artwork submitted must be a JPEG, 1200 px by 1600 px (landscape) or 1600 px by 1200 px (portrait)—this equals a 4”x 6” image scanned at 300 DPI.
Grief prompts should be a simple action described in 10-140 words, that can serve as a process by which an individual can be guided through their grief. Making something, writing something, moving with deliberation, meditation, or any of a number of other memorial actions are helpful. Those prompts which derive from specific cultural traditions or rituals are welcome—the Artists’ Grief Deck exists in part to fill a gap left by the absence of traditional communal grieving rituals caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.