A painting in bright bold colors set against a starry night sky, a face or mask of blue with pink designs on its cheeks holds its mouth open in a near perfect circle. Within the red circle of the mouth three smaller figures can be seen, from head to shoulders, one yellow, one orange, one purple. Behind the blue head, a fanstasy landscape of stripe patterned, polka dot patterned, and diamond patterns tree trunks and verticals.

Ritual of Remembrance

I didn’t know I thought about my mom everyday until I had to wake up and remind myself that she was dead. Now, I wake up and remind myself she lived.

Gather on a tray: Pen, paper, candle, lighter, and an item of remembrance of your loved one.

With pen and paper, write a note to them about how they lived.

Place the letter on the tray and take the tray outside. Light the candle and sit quietly.

Burn the letter as an offering.

Breathe deeply in for three counts, hold for three counts. Forcefully breathe all the air out for three, hold for three. Repeat two more times.

Blow out the candle. Gently hug yourself.

Prompt by: Jessica King, Lauren Wolpert, Cindy Rinne