Lost Time
Time is one thing we can never, ever get back.
Having a chronic illness caused me to lose the experience of having a normal life by any stretch of the imagination from 2012-2016 and our current pandemic has reminded me of this concept of lost time.
We have all experienced a period of lost time now, a difficult thing to grieve as no prayer, yelling, screaming, or exercising can dare bring it back.
Make a list of what you planned to do from March to now: travel, weddings, significant life events, school, concerts, etc.
Put an arrow next to each of these things for the hope of the next time you’ll get to do the next version of them and what that might look like.
Imagine how much more important these events will be in the after. On bad days, carry the hope of it and fold it up and put it in your purse or wallet. Keep the hope with you.