A painted collage on a light brown fabric background. Around the left, bottom, and right sides, a pattern of white boxes with red triangles in them. The top half is filled with an array of abstract patterns, alternating a small design made of tiny yellow squares and white diamonds. Larger, in the center, is a collaged-together abstract arrangement of triangles, diamonds, and stripes, in blue, red, yellow, green, and pink. Below this form is a plant-like form with 8 yellow 'flowers', which appears to be dropping four blue leaves even further down. Arranged around the composition are other painted-collage designs, with fruit at their centers: two cherries on a stem in a yelow circle, a strawberry in a yellow red and green oval, a colorful coffee table with flowers on top, a slice of watermelon and a chair in purpose with red and lavender star-forms on its seat, and a bunch of grapes on its back.

The Importance of Routine

Losses of life interrupt the general flow of our lives. Things are not as they were, and life can feel chaotic.

One way of bringing order into the chaos of loss is to establish healthy routines. Set the time you want to wake each morning, and set the alarm. Incorporate daily activities in an organized fashion. Decide what time you will go to bed each night, and ensure that your evening routine is set up to let you succeed. The comfort of routine will bring a sense of peace.

Prompt by: National Hospice Cooperative (NHC)