Tag: Touch

The Bath

Take a long bath. Soak yourself into the warm water, and close your eyes. Feel the water touching your skin, After you finish, Wrap yourself with your favorite bath towel....

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Recall moments of tenderness, both human and otherwise: the touch of hand on shoulder, the needed hug, a note or message, the way that your cats curl together, the delicate meeting of boulders in the...

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Mindfulness Through Touch

Bring your attention to your hands and simply touch the things around you. Be mindful of how these things feel, of how you experience their textures and vibrations through your fingertips. Touch your...

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Alive Again

Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself, and I think of all the things I'd be doing if I were outside and how much things have changed since all of this started. The family and friends I havenâ€...

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An abstract black and white and grey drawing that has a ghostly feeling with images of peony flowers emerging from the right side.

Connecting With the Body

I grieve not only for the losses of the present but also for what could have been. If I stay too long in my head imagining the things I won't ever have, I can lose myself in a spiral downward. When I...

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A two panel black and white illustration where both panels show multiple hands touching and massaging other hands in a cascade.

The Power of Touch

Touch another person's hand and wait until the temperature becomes consistent. There is one more thing in common between you. If you are by yourself, put your hand on a surface or an object and wait u...

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A painting of a female face with dark hair, eyes closed, almost entirely obscured by rows of painted flowers in pink, red, and white which flow over the figure.

When Tears Won’t Come

My mother always said tears are cleansing for the soul. But sometimes the tears just won't come. Sit in a quiet place that can get wet. Wear something white. Put on music that calms you. Perhaps, ligh...

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A photograph, interior to an art gallery. On the floor is a stack of rough bricks, mostly dark red but with some white, orange, and black paint. They are arranfed into a small triangular 'wall,' one brick thick, with a portion of the wall missing or collapsed, and on the smooth floor fragments of brick are scattered.

Falling Apart

It’s okay to fall apart in the midst of rebuilding your life. Fill in the blanks: I have learned how to____ since my loss. I have overcome_____ since my loss. Now say it out loud while looking at yo...

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A simple line drawing on white, of a empty wall upon which 12 t-shirts are hung, in orange, green, gray, and white. On the far left, a figure stands on a stepladder and extends their arms up into the left-most pink t-shirt.

What is Left Behind

My beloved left this earth and left behind his belongings--his residue.

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